[rev_slider EN-slider-s2-seat]

Handicapped accessible car modifications
for cars of type Seat.

Seat Alhambra II

Van 2015
Video on youtube

Seat Altea

Van ab 2004

Seat Leon

Seat Ibiza 6J

ab 2008

Further cars

Seat Ibiza 6L (2002 – 2008)

Seat Toledo 1M (1999 – 2004)

Seat Alhambra (Van 2000)

Seat Toledo 5P (ab 2004)

Seat Cordoba II (2002 – 2008)

Is your car not included?

Please call us. We will check the possibilities for installation.
0049 (0)7433 80 81
You can reach us on:
Mo – Thu from 8 am – 5 pm
and Fr from 8 am – 4 pm