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LADEBOY horizontally – Examples for installation

The LADEBOY is installed with a special installation kit which is secured at the car’s original fixing points. Without drilling holes into the auto body. This guarantees a high level of safety and trouble–free backfitting. The power is supplied from the car socket or cigarette lighter.

Installation in a station wagon.

Station wagons are perfect for the installation of the LADEBOY loading system.

Installation in a limousine.

Even in cars type sedan installation is possible due to special attachments.

Installation in a Cabrio.

The limits of technical feasibility represents the trunk of a convertible. The available space is extremely tight.

In our example a Mercedes-Benz SL is depicted in which a wheelchair with e-fix is completely loaded with battery with the wheelchair loading system LADEBOY.

Video LADEBOY in a station wagon

Video LADEBOY in a limousine


Video LADEBOY in a cabrio

Installation in a hatchback.

Depending on the dimensions of the wheelchair the backseat becomes folded (about 2/3 of the seat). Depending on the wheelchair up to 3 seats remain. Thus even smaller cars are suitable for loading a wheelchair.

Installation in a VAN / SUV.

VANs or SUVs are perfect for the installation of a loading system.

Installation on the left side.

Sometimes the installation of a LADEBOY is recommended on the left in the trunk of the car, e.g. for self-drivers with very little ability to walk or if the handle height of the wheelchair exceeds the trunk depth. Thus, the backrest of the third seat can be set forward.